[CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS] ____________________________________________ MATERIAL: Six Stranded Embroidery Floss (DMC BRAND) ■ Before leaving a question please check to see if it has already been answered in the comments section or in the links supplied below. ☼ I know it is always easier to just simply ask a question but with so many people following me it is getting harder and harder for me to answer. If for some reason your question has not been answered below (or) you can't find it on your own check out these links: FAQ: beyondbracelets.blogspot.com Annotation Link Video: www.youtube.com ____________________________________________ You will be using 4 colors, two strands of each. Cut each string 70" to 75" (inches) long then fold them. 11 22 33 44 (middle) 44 33 22 11 1=blue 2=pink 3=brown 4=gold (IMPORTANT: While repeating this pattern you will notice that the string colors switch around each time you re-start the pattern- since the string colors keep moving around make sure to look at the string position/placement and not the colors while making this pattern!) ■ START: ¤ Using L1 and R1 make 2 complete Chevron rows. First Chevron: L1 Make 7fk R1 make 7bk Join Middle (L8 and R8) Second Chevron: L1 make 7fk R1 make 7bk Join Middle (L8 and R8) ¤ For this entire section you will be picking up L1 to make each row. When you've completed the row you will then be using the new string in the L1 position. Using L1 make... 1. 5fk 2. 4fk 3. 3fk 4. 2fk 5. 1fk ¤ For this ...
Tags: beyondbracelets, Fading, Ribbons, Awareness, Ribbon, Friendship, Bracelet, Fish, Pattern, Fade, Gradient, Faded, Patterns, Diamonds, Boxes, Broken, Changing, Color, String, Bracelets, DIY, Jewelry, Making, Handmade, Gift, Ideas, kids, teens, adults, crafting, embroidery, floss, craft, thread, woven, weaving, macrame, tying, knot, knotted, cotton, comfortable, beach, summer, accessories, Beyond